Case Study: Investigation Quickly Uncovers Evidence of Harassment Enabling Decisive Preventative Action

Investigation Quickly Uncovers Evidence of Harassment Enabling Decisive Preventative Action Finding questionable communication between a teacher and student by utilizing combination of forensics and Riskcovery services. Client Challenge A concerned

Case Study: Managed Review Enables 12 Attorneys to Beat One-Week Deadline

Managed Review Enables 12 Attorneys to Beat One-Week Deadline Consilio provides managed review services to a prestigious law firm and successfully reviews 70,000 documents in one-week. Client Challenge On a

Case Study: Healthcare Market Dynamic-Changing Second Request

Healthcare Market Dynamic-Changing Second Request Consilio assists eight sizeable healthcare entities undergoing a monumental second request antitrust investigation. Client Challenge Eight sizable healthcare entities undergoing regulatory scrutiny of a merger

Case Study: Leveraging TAR & Per Document Pricing to Drive 24% Savings

Leveraging TAR & Per Document Pricing to Drive 24% Savings A complex, time sensitive litigation matter that required e-discovery and document review resulted in the use of a comprehensive pricing model, and leveraged

Webinar: Introduction to Blockchain and its Application to Law and Litigation

Webinar: Introduction to Blockchain and its Application to Law and Litigation This webinar covers not only an in-depth explanation of blockchain, but also multiple real-world use cases of the technology

Webinar: Understanding Analytic Tools in eDiscovery and How They’re Being Applied in the Real World

Webinar: Understanding Analytic Tools in eDiscovery and How They’re Being Applied in the Real World Xavier Diokno and Brent Stevens presented on the webinar Understanding Analytic Tools in eDiscovery and How They're Being