When the Game is Afoot: Investigations and eDiscovery

The majority of eDiscovery work takes place in the context of litigation, but a significant amount of it takes place instead in the context of investigations. Although the available ESI and eDiscovery technologies are the same, the realities of handling investigations can be different in some ways important ways.

Sampling Techniques for Litigation and Investigations

Despite years of discussion in the eDiscovery industry about the power and importance of sampling techniques – particularly in the context of technology-assisted review (TAR), many practitioners remain unfamiliar with what they can accomplish with them, and when, outside of TAR, they might do so.

Webinar: In the Beginning: Identification and Preservation Fundamentals

ESI spoliation remains a frequent issue – particularly in the gray area where new devices, applications, or services are transitioning from niche adoption to mainstream use. Hence the importance of these phases in an eDiscovery effort: almost every other type of failure can be fixed with adequate time and money, but once unique, relevant ESI is gone, it’s gone.

ED103 – The Grand Scavenger Hunt: Collection Fundamentals

With source types multiplying – including challenging sources like smartphones, social media, and collaboration tools, it is more important than ever for legal practitioners of all types to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of collection so that they can assist in spotting potential issues and identifying appropriate solutions.

ED102 – In the Beginning: Identification and Preservation Fundamentals

Identification and preservation are the first and most fundamental phases of an electronic discovery effort. The duty of (identification and) preservation is a foundational concept in our legal system that grows out of the common law concept of “spoliation,” which is nearly 300 years old.

Going Green: Compliance Issues are Mounting for Corporates

Trevor Horwitz, a senior compliance and legal consultant from Consilio, sat down with a number of lawyers from across the energy industry to discuss the compliance issues they are facing and how they make sure their businesses don’t commit fraud, either intentionally or accidentally.

Webinar: Government Investigations and Enforcement Rules in Japan – Resource

Investigations and enforcement actions can present significant risks and potential disruptions for companies. On top of that, companies must keep up with the latest developments and assessing how they may impact your company and unforeseen challenges.

Webinar: What’s Next in Cybersecurity: Understanding Post-COVID Cyber Threats and Proactive Steps to Mitigate Them

Webinar: What's Next in Cybersecurity: Understanding Post-COVID Cyber Threats and Proactive Steps to Mitigate Them The COVID-19 pandemic has created a host of new cybersecurity and data privacy threats for organizations. Malicious

Case Study: Automated Redaction of PII Yields Significant Savings

Automated Redaction of PII Yields Significant Savings This was a discovery request which required a high volume of PII to be redacted. The Consilio team redacted using an in-house, automated tool, benefiting the

Case Study: Cross-Matter Custodian Spanish Language Document Review

Cross-Matter Custodian Spanish Language Document Review Multiple investment risk and suitability cases caused by the Puerto Rico sovereign debt crisis and substantial decline in the market for Puerto Rican municipal securities asserted by