Case Study: Global CPG Company Proactively Scans for Anti-Competitive Indicators using Sightline and Sensitive Data Scanning

Global CPG Company Proactively Scans for Anti-Competitive Indicators using Sightline and Sensitive Data Scanning Client Challenge The global consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry has experienced substantial growth with expansion through regional

Sightline for Investigations

Sightline for Investigations Quickly identify risk with a leading platform trusted by investigatory, legal & compliance teams Automatically analyze data then visualize and search quickly to cull noise and locate actionable

Collecting Data from Mobile Devices and Their Applications

Due to the popularity and volume of mobile devices being used throughout the world, they have become common sources of digital evidence in litigation proceedings. It is important to understand the different types of data that can be extracted from mobile devices, mobile device backups, and the cloud.

Webinar: What’s Next in Diversity: Working Collaboratively to Measure, Report, and Improve Law Firm Diversity

Corporate law departments are acutely focused on the diversity of their outside counsel, and they expect their law firms to support corporate diversity initiatives. To achieve diversity goals, law departments and law firms must work collaboratively to understand corporate expectations and create strategies for firms to meet those expectations.