Whitepaper: Why Now Is the Time for Legal Teams to Invest in Self-Service eDiscovery for Smaller Matters

In-house legal departments and law firms often have a steady flow of small-scale matters, including, but not limited to, subpoenas, employment disputes (e.g., harassment claims, wrongful termination, arbitrations, and policy violations), internal investigations and compliance audits, data privacy inquiries (e.g., Data Subject Access Rights (DSAR) requests) and California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) inquiries), arbitrations and small litigation (e.g., contract disputes and intellectual property disputes). While individually minor, these recurring legal matters en masse place a continued drain on the legal team’s limited technical support resources that could better be deployed to support larger, more complex eDiscovery matters – such as large-scale litigation, cross-border fraud and investigations, class action suits and the like. This whitepaper explores further why now is the time for legal teams to invest in self-service eDiscovery for smaller matters.
In-house legal departments and law firms often have a steady flow of small-scale matters, including, but not limited to, subpoenas, employment disputes (e.g., harassment claims, wrongful termination, arbitrations, and policy violations), internal investigations and compliance audits, data privacy inquiries (e.g., Data Subject Access Rights (DSAR) requests) and California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) inquiries), arbitrations and small litigation (e.g., contract disputes and intellectual property disputes). While individually minor, these recurring legal matters en masse place a continued drain on the legal team’s limited technical support resources that could better be deployed to support larger, more complex eDiscovery matters – such as large-scale litigation, cross-border fraud and investigations, class action suits and the like. This whitepaper explores further why now is the time for legal teams to invest in self-service eDiscovery for smaller matters.