Compliance & Information Governance


Minimizing records mismanagement, improving data protection & data privacy conformance with proven practices, technologies, and workflows that reduce risk and minimize costs

  • Provide expert assistance that’s critical to meet today’s complex and demanding challenges
  • Developed, sound information governance strategies and implementation plans to enhance compliance

Learn more on Regulatory & Information Governance

Designed as One Complete Experience to Evolve your Legal Operations

As a global leader in legal consulting and services, Consilio is committed to helping our clients evolve their legal solutions experience. Consilio Complete Enterprise offers clients a holistic, stakeholder-centric approach working side-by-side with lawyers, corporate IT teams, consultants and technologists to deliver a proven end-to-end suite of enterprise legal solutions.

Bringing together world-class expertise, robust technology & workflow enablers and high-quality, versatile talent solutions, each competency we deliver is tightly-integrated to drive efficient outcomes, reduce client risk & control cost for legal operations ― all designed to deliver as one complete enterprise experience

Regulatory & Information Governance

Technology Implementations Completed
M365 Consultants
Client Satisfaction

Current Data Situation & Challenge

To perform critical business functions, employees utilize and interact with various data stores within an enterprise, including workstations, file shares, databases and email, etc. A major challenge now faced by companies is due to rapid data growth; they may have lost the ability to: a) truly know what information they have, b) where it is located, c) what it contains, d) who can and should have access to it, e) how to find what they need in a timely fashion with confidence that what they found is the right data, and f) retain data only as long as needed and dispose of as much as possible.

Identification, Classification, Inventory and Remediation Services

For an organization to be able to control their own data and address protecting sensitive information from exfiltration or inappropriate access, they must first be able to identify with reasonable certainty, where sensitive data exists on the network and why it should be classified as such. Consilio determines data classifications and provides intelligence on information assets back to the organization to determine prioritization of repository targets for C-ROT classification, PII identification and further review.

Addressing Data Privacy: DSARs and PII

Consilio provides a combination of services and technology to handle DSARs for our clients. Our solution provides a custom design, tailored to your applications, along with a customer facing portal (again, custom designed) for your brand. We have the capability to connect directly into HR systems, SaaS products, along with the ability to scan on-premises unstructured data including O365. Rules can be applied to identify PII in both structured and unstructured environments, and with a repeatable workflow established, enables data containing PII to be served up to the consumer or employee, through the portal. The customer portal stores all actions in a ledger backed by blockchain technology for an audit trail which can be produced as needed.

Designing & Building the Enterprise Data Map

The first suggested step when undertaking either or both a DSAR Workflow and technology solution and a Records Management Program is to determine an Enterprise Data Map. The primary motivation for creating an ESI data map and data source catalog is to provide a resource for counsel to become familiar with an organization’s systems. The process also provides an effective resource to help control and manage the broader risks and costs associated with information management. Through a combination of on-site and/or remote activities related to performing a data inventory and mapping exercise, Consilio will conduct interviews with both IT and Business Stakeholders to gather relevant information related to the various systems and what they contain, including PII.

Records Governance Program Development

Records and information are key assets for every organization. They serve as the evidence of business events that enable organizations to achieve regulatory compliance, support current and future management decisions, and protect against adverse legal actions. We work with you to develop a customized program to meet your needs, based on our proven methodology. Consilio can review and assess existing policies to identify gaps, and Consilio can provide services around creating/designing the following: a) Records Management Program, b) Records Retention Schedules (development of content specific schedules), c) Operationalization of Records Management Program and Schedules.

Information Governance ROI Models

Determining gains from a real value dollars and cents perspective for an organization can bolster the justification that a Legal team needs when engaging in a project around Information Governance, as quantifiable and measurable returns are easier calculated than potential risk avoidance costs or other intangible benefits from a legal and regulatory angle. Consilio can provide assistance in calculating savings in four areas, Storage Reclamation, eDiscovery, Backup Tape Reduction, and Paper Storage Reduction.

“Results from statistical samples are objective and defensible. Mathematical theory provides support and protection for interpreting results… Statistical sampling is a precision tool but only a tool. To be used correctly, it requires good professional judgment in every step from defining the evaluation objectives and the population of interest to determining the language and method of presentation of the final report.”

PEMD-10.1.6 Using Statistical Sampling, Revised May 1992, United States General Accounting Office, Program Evaluation and Methodology Division

Regulatory & Information Governance

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