Webinar: Hold On: Get a Grip on Conducting Effective Legal Holds In a world of new and evolving sources, conducting effective legal holds is more critical than ever. Done properly, legal holds
A Framework for Recognizing and Overcoming Implicit Bias in the Legal Profession
If you’re human, you have biases. There’s no way to change this—the human brain is evolutionarily wired to take shortcuts. In the modern world, these shortcuts cause all of us to have implicit or unconscious biases around race, gender, and other inherent characteristics of our fellow humans.
Measuring Success: Corporate Counsel Guide to Metrics-Based Management
The metrics-tracking legal department gains actionable insights that it can apply not only to internal operations but also to broader, corporate-wide assessments that impact decision-making.
The Ethical Challenges of Remote Work: The Four Critical Duties Lawyers Must Uphold
When working remotely, there are circumstances that can compromise a lawyer’s professional obligations, such as a lack of privacy at home, cybersecurity risks, and the difficulty of supervising others remotely.
Webinar: Litigation in a Post-COVID World: How to Prepare for the eDiscovery Ahead
Webinar: Litigation in a Post-COVID World: How to Prepare for the eDiscovery Ahead While the world still struggles to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, human health and safety should be everyone’s first priority.
Interview: Doug Ventola on law firm diversity and other criteria which matter to clients
Interview: Doug Ventola of Consilio on law firm diversity and other criteria which matter to clients Chris Dale, of the eDisclosure Information Project, recently moderated a panel
Interview: Ben Rusch of Consilio on the practical problems of collecting data in the EU
Interview: Ben Rusch of Consilio on the practical problems of collecting data in the EU Ben Rusch, interviewed by Chris Dale for the eDisclosure Information Project, is
Global Reach
Global Reach Trusted partners to help you navigate an increasingly complex world In-region specialists with in-depth, practical expertise of jurisdictional and cross-border issues Specially-designed global technology infrastructure exceeding data security and
Saving Dollars, Euros and Yen: Understand and Control Discovery Costs in Cross-Border Litigation
Webinar: Saving Dollars, Euros and Yen: Understand and Control Discovery Costs in Cross-Border Litigation This webinar covers strategies for effective cost control in cross border regulatory investigations & litigation.
EDisclosure – convergence of IT and Law
EDisclosure - convergence of IT and Law The process of responding to litigation or an investigation is no longer simply a matter of locating potentially relevant hard copy documents in the company archives
Deluge of Data by Jerome Torres Lozano
Deluge of Data by Jerome Torres Lozano February 2012 Just five years ago, the main source of electronic information was email, followed some way behind by word processor documents. Now, however, important business